What I offer:

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Custom Knives- please email for inquiries

  • Starting at $150 and going up from there

    • Prices vary depending on materials, and time required to complete the project

Handmade Finished blades

  • Ranging from $50-$500

    • Finished blades are available through the site as well as Instagram

    • I offer a huge variety of sizes and styles and offer them frequently

Blades modification

  • I offer blade modification on existing knives such as fixing broken tips and acid stone-washing

    • prices vary depending on the task

Blades Sharpening- All done on the Wicked Edge fixed angle system

  • polished edge- 2500grit ceramic and finished with 3.5micron strop

    • $30 shipped for folder and fixed blades

    • $35 shipped for tantos

  • Satin edge- 600 grit diamond and finished with 3.5 micron strop

    • $27 Shipped for folders and fixed blades

    • $30 shipped for tantos